Design Notes
June 04, 2014
Suggest HeroMart Merch!
Player Suggested items are the best. And now you can suggest real-life HeroMart items!
Oh yes, you read that right. HeroMart needs YOUR help deciding the hottest new merch to stock HeroMart shelves!
Take the quick 8 question HeroMart Survey here!
Thank you so much for being a part of the Artix community. It’s because of guys and gals like YOU that we are able to create the best stuff in the whole wide world! Thanks so much! *hugs!*
xoxo Beleen!
March 19, 2014
Extreme Homepage Makeover
We need your Insight on our Website!
Hiya, hero! Beleen here, and I’ve got Ai no Miko right next to me. The two of us are on a real-life quest and we totally need your help.
It’s time to level up the homepage!
You guys and gals always have the BEST ideas, so that’s why we are turning to YOU to help redesign the AdventureQuest Worlds website! Please, accept our Quest and fill out 10 Questions, which will help us create an AWESOME website that you will want to call home…page =D
March 18, 2014
SurveyMonkey: Go Bananas
Help us help YOU boost your gaming experience!
Your friends at Artix Entertainment are eagerly working on exciting new games that you and your friends will love (like Battle Gems, which was released this morning woooohoo!!). But what kind of games would you like to play… and where would you like to play these games? Hmmm…
Behold! Our first ever SurveyMonkey Survey on the AdventureQuest Worlds Facebook page! This super quick 6 question survey will help Artix, myself, and the rest of the team develop games that YOU want to play on the devices that YOU play on the most.
We put the QUEST in questionnaires. So team up with us and let’s make history by creating the best video games ever!
Take the AQWorlds Game Survey on Facebook.
Thank you so much! You’re my real-life hero =D
xoxo Beleen!