Design Notes
April 05, 2013
J6 Saga Walkthrough
Get up to speed on the J6 Saga!
Everyone’s favorite Bounty Hunter is wrapping up his massive saga starting tonight! But in order to embark on J6’s new release, there’s a lot you need to do beforehand.
And I mean A LOT.
A lot of time.
A lot of patience.
And a lot of team work!
Since the release is still a few hours away (assuming you aren’t from the future…or reading this AFTER we’ve launched), now is the time to catch up on the extremely complex J6 Saga extravaganza!
J6 Saga Check List
- /join j6 to begin your J6 Saga adventures
- Complete quests in J6 map and defeat the Sketchy Dragon until you find J6’s Secret Hideout Map and equip it
- Find the Dwakel Decoder
- Use J6’s Secret Hideout Map to find the Rusty Spittoon Saloon
- Help the Saloon patrons with their quests and learn about J6
- Find J6, snag the Crystalized Dragons Breath, get a perfect score on J6’s Quiz, and receive coordinates to the Hyperium Starship
- Bring 2 friends to the Hyperium to get past the Turrets
- Access the Bounty Hunter Shop by clicking the gauges in the right order
- Embark on H.A.L.’s Missions in the 3rd floor using the Elevator
- Find where J6 keeps his VR Room Access Ticket
- Go to the VR Room on the 2nd floor using the Elevator
- Complete missions in the VR Room and H.A.L.
- Find missing Datadisks hidden all over Lore
- Return to the VR Room after finding Datadisks
- Now you’re ready to help J6 conclude his saga starting tonight!
See! I told you there’s A LOT. But A LOT of fun, I promise!
Good luck, intrepid Bounty Hunters!
Galactically-Awesome Items!
J6's Bounty Hunter shop has had a planet-sized update, and NONE of it is going rare! Check out the following gear after you complete J6's storyline quests:
- JVI Armor and Helm
- Highway Bounty Hunter Set
- Galactic Eviscerator set
- FF0000 Blaster Gun
- Azimuth Blaster Gun
- Heavy Metal Mercenary set
- J-Roku Samurai set
- J-Roku Katana
- Mercilessness Mercenary Gun
- Shotgun of Aphelion
- Behemoth Blade of BlueMoon
- Backscattering Blades
- Albedo Battle Axe