Design Notes
June 22, 2013
Treasure Hunters Rejoice!
A Bounty of Treasures Await
Happy Saturday everybody! Yesterday we saw the darkest, deadliest dungeon EVER release in your favorite online adventure game. Once you're done dying through Grimskull's Endless Vault of Doom, check out all this OTHER great gear!
Get your Treasure Map
As soon as you log into AQWorlds, the Dragon Menu pops up, loaded with all sorts of awesome destinations and shops.
When you click on “Shops,” you will be taken to another menu with TONS of shops, including the Treasure Map Shop. And this is where you can buy your Treasure Map for only 2,000 AdventureCoins!
When you decipher the clue on the map, and then find the shop hidden somewhere in-game, you’ll gain access to EVERYTHING we have ever added to it!
Last Friday, we sneakily added the elusive Blood Terror Set to this shop. Will you be the next Blood Terror to wreak terror across the world of Lore? There is only 1 way to find out—if you CAN find it, that is!
As if the BloodTerror isn’t awesome enough, feast your eyes on the Solar Protector Set!
WOAAAAH! The Solar Protector is absolutely wicked! And it’s even Color Custom, too! Starting this Friday at sundown, you can harbor the impressive Solar Protector armor set using your Treasure Map.
Player Suggestion Shop Update
It’s because of players like YOU who continuously make AQWorlds the best online fantasy game ever. =D You guys and gals always come up with great suggestions and item ideas, and on Friday, we will update the Suggestion Shop with even more of your great ideas.
Over 200 player suggested items are available in Yulgar’s Inn! And we’re adding even more on Friday! So /join yulgar , talk to Yulgar, click on “Shops,” and check out the “Legendary Suggestion Shop” and “Suggestion Shop” to get your fill of items inspired by your fellow heroes!
Blockbuster Hit: Hero of Steel
To celebrate the newest movie on the big screen (…without getting sued for copyright infringement), we are releasing the Hero of Steel Shop on Friday!
This shop will contain the Good Hero of Steel, the Evil Hero of Steel, AND the Hero of Steal Armor Sets.
The Hero of Steel is our take on Super Man's outfit, while the Hero of Steal is a thief-themed armor that is our take on wordplay.
Hehehehehe! =D