Design Notes
March 21, 2011
Sandsea Showdown
Fight the Next Lord of Chaos this Friday!
This is the moment we have all dreaded. We all knew that we would have to fight the next Lord of Chaos… but who knew Zahart’s djinn was actually the Sandsea Chaos Lord?!
We’re all about the element of surprise here. *snicker* Tibicenas is Chaos Lord number… 6? Or is he 7? Are we still counting the Twins as the second LOC? Where did they disappear to, anyway? And was Kimberly the Mythsong Chaos Lord or was it Discordia… and do they count as the same number?
Chaos over the Chaos Lords. That’s just classic. That reminds me of this one time…
OH right—Tibicenas! Giant crazy Chaos Lord djinn out to destroy the world. How could I forget!
Ohhh Tibicenas... That’s him on a GOOD day. And I can only image what he is going to be like once you, Zhoom, and your djinn Saahir encounter the Chaos Lord for the final Sandsea Showdown on Friday evening…
More Bad News for Bad Guys >:D
The HeroSmash Alpha Phase 3 is coming! If you have upgraded in any AE game and linked that account to your master account, you will be able to log in and play HeroSmash—Phase 3—starting Wednesday evening, March 23rd.
Be one of the first to try out the new superpower system! Flaming power punches, laser eye blasts and more will be available to use against your enemies!
But… okay… is my Blinding Pink Laser Eye Beam ready yet? And why is it only effective on the Design Notes!? Tehehehe ^_____^