Design Notes
February 16, 2011
Show off ‘dem Badges!
Facebook integration & a sneak peek at this week’s release!
Have you heard about this “Facebook” thing? Apparently it’s a social network site that has taken over the world. And now it’s inside AQWorlds!
Thanks to Minimal’s super fancy pants coding skillz, you can NOW show off all your shiny badges on your Facebook page! It’s simple, it’s free, and it’s available for everyone who loves this MMO. And who has a nice collection of achievement badges inside their Book of Lore.
All you gatta do is click the Settings button on your toolbar. Looks like 3 gray gears. You can’t miss it.
And theeeen you check that red bubble next to the “Facebook” option.
And theeeeeeeeen you open your Book of Lore, click on the Badges section, and begin making your family and friends jealous over your shiny sparkly awesomesauce badges by clicking the Share button!
After you log into your Facebook account (a prompt will appear asking you to do so), that’s all there is to it and it’s time to show off those hard-earned badges! Now, we don’t encourage bragging… but… well… yeaaaah, these badges are wicked cool and everyone deserves to see them =D
This is only our first step into Facebook integration. What other updates would you like to see posted on Facebook? Leveling up? Maxing out a Class? I just Upgraded? Let us hear about your ideas on the forums!
Sandsea Saga Expanding: Spoilers Ahead Below!
After your latest encounter with Zahart and his Djinn, Zhoom thinks that the only one who can help is the god-king of the Sandsea, Sek-Duat. Accompany Zhoom as the two of you head to the Sek-Duat Dynasty Pyramids to track down the immortal mummy on Friday!
New fiends, a new minigame, bunches of Sandsea gear, and a cutscene await your arrival inside these ancient pyramids. Lodarazs, the Team’s newest artist and animator, has a sneak peak of an Anubis Guard monster that is dying to meet your acquaintance!
Hey… that guy looks pretty sketchy…
HEY! Now that’s what I’m talking about!
It’s been a crazy couple of weeks and we’re as excited as you are to get back to the Sandsea action. With the return of the Sandsea… I wonder if the Black Market dealer will come back as well? Will he have new items in his shop? Will any of his old loot return?
There is only one way to find out… and Friday can’t possibly come any sooner!