Design Notes

February 18, 2013

Battle Alongside Your Friends

When you Invite them to Battle On!

Did you know that you can invite your real-life friends in-game AND get sweet rewards? You DO! Every friend you refer means you get Gold and Experience based on the amount of Gold and Experience that they earn each day.

Friend Gem items wooohooo

You also gey 1 Friend Gem for each friend once they reach Level 5. Use Friend Gems to buy awesome items from Twilly’s Referral Shop in Battleon. The more Friends you refer and help level up, the more Gold, Experience, and Friend Gems you get! The best part is, when your friend becomes an Upgraded Memberyou get 250 AdventureCoins!  

Recruit your Friends!

  1. Click on the Manage Account link on the left side of the page under Account (you'll have to scroll down a bit--or just click the Manage Account link!) 
  2. Login with your AQW Username and Password.
  3. Select 'Referred Friends' from the menu on the left.
  4. To invite a friend, enter their email in the textbox labeled "Friend's Email" and then Submit! 
    You can also see a list of all the friends you've referred here, too! 
  5. You can also Recruit your Friend from in-game! Speak to Twilly in Battleon to send your friends Referral emails directly from AQWorlds. 
Tags: Beleen,
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