Design Notes

June 28, 2010

Mulligan Time!

First of all, I want to say Thank You to all the amazing players all around the world who were able to stay up and help is make the One-Eyed Doll LIVE event one of our biggest events ever.

Everyone who was there played along with us as we revealed some HUGE Mythsong surprises (which were very hard for us to keep but totally worth it for the OMGs we got) and suffered through the AMAZING amount of lag cause by 31,000 heroes all fighting to save Lorestockapalooza, got kicked, off, logged back on, hung while loading the cutscenes... it was chaos in the purplest sense of the word, but it was a GREAT time.

Kimberly could not have had more kind words for all of you. The band was truly stunned by your enthused battle crys and "Battle On" attitudes! Thanks guys, you really made us look good!

There have been a number of complaints about the fact that we were running the LIVE event at a time that was inconvienient for the person complaining, but that is the nature of the beast.

For it to be a LIVE event, most of the core AQW staff and One-Eyed Doll had to be online and we only had a window of a few hours that everyone could be on at the same time.

A LIVE event in AQW is very much like a concert in real life. It might be a pain for you to get there, it might be too late or be in a city that you can't get to, but the band isn't going to stay on stage for 24 hours because YOU can't make it to THEIR show.

Either you make it, or you can't.

One-Eyed Doll had to get back to music and we had to get back to making video games so we couldn't stay up for a full day nd night and keep the event going. For those of you who missed it, make sure to catch the NEXT live event.

That being said, things didn't go as smoothly as we'd hoped. There were freezing problems, and disconnection problems. Our servers were in overdrive but just couldn't keep up with the flood of hereos AND Flash had recently patched their Flash Plyer which caused ALL KINDS of issues all over the net including your own AQ Worlds.

There are PAGES of e-mails to us from people who were AT the live event, fought with us to the bitter end and made it all the way through, but didn't get the "Eye Was There" achievement badge.

So, this Friday we're having a Mulligan day. If you Join the re-play event this Friday, as soon as you join, you will get the "Eye Was There" achievement.

(Mulligan: A mulligan, in a game, happens when a player gets a second chance to perform a certain move or action. The practice is also sometimes referred to as a "do-over.")

It stinks that we had so many technical errors but we have thought about it a lot. While this will allow lots of players who weren't actually there to get the badge, it's the fairest thing we can think of to allow those that WERE there to get the achievement that they fought for and earned.

Beleen has asked me to mention that she is starting up a new contest soon. I'm curious if you guys would rather get ACs or BattleOn Points (which you can use in ANY of our games, using the Master Account system) as prizes. Let us know on the forums!

I'll let you guys know what is coming this week a little later on this week. Once we know.

Tags: Cysero,
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