Design Notes

June 24, 2010

Live Event Tomorrow!

Best prepare yourselves now for the…

Mythsong Canyon grand finale, Chaos Lord showdown, special Musical Guest appearance, possible Chaos Beast encounter, tons of Event Rare items, Summer Break Shop, Backstage passes, the first-of-its-kind proccing Weapon Enhancement, One-Eyed Doll House items, cutscene-a-palooza… and this is just the gist of it!

If you can’t already tell, tomorrow’s release is going to be E-P-I-C! You thought the Voltaire Live Event was huge? Just wait ‘til you see the File Size on THIS bad boy! The awesome insanity begins tomorrow, June 25th at 8pm EST/5pm PST.

This Event is available for ALL PLAYERS of ALL levels, so tell all your friends (even if they have never played) to come join us and become part of AQWorlds History! And lookie here: you can use the Refer A Friend feature to earn BONUS gold and EXP, just in time for the Live Event! Pretty cool, huh?

Spoilers Ahead! Erm, Below!

Since tomorrow’s event is going to take place LIVE, no one is too sure exactly WHAT will happen. The War is still going on (around 63% last time I checked) and victory doesn’t look too promising. We have never lost a war… so no one (not even Zhoom or Llussion!) knows what will happen if Chaos Lord Discordia wins…

What we DO know is this: there WILL be Rare Items… lots and lots of ‘em! And they will ONLY be available during this one-of-a-kind event. But let’s sweeten the deal even more: all the items will be selling for AdventureCoins, so you can store ALL OF THEM in the Bank for FREE forever!

Here are just a few One-Eyed Doll Rares...

Running low on ACs? Didya know that Artix Entertainment Upgrade Cards can be found at a store near you? It’s true! There are so many ways you can Upgrade your account that Artix would smother me in marshmallow fluff if I flooded the DNs with EVEN MORE pink to list each option. To save time (and your eyesight), click here ( to see each available method!

By Upgrading your account, not only do you gain access to the most epic features, areas, and items in AQWorlds, but you also support the Team who works so hard to make Live Events like this possible. Without your kindness, none of this would ever be possible! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

AND! We have a special surprise just for you Members! If Discordia doesn’t completely destroy the world of Lore (or the servers over at the Lab), a special Backstage Pass will be awarded to every Member, granting you SPECIAL access to meet Kimberly, Mr. Socks, and Jr from the band One-Eyed Doll!

As a VIP (Very Important Pwner), you get to chill with the band backstage, ask each band mate some personal (and hilarious) questions, unlock a special One-Eyed Doll shop (with even more items OMG!!!), and partake in some behind-the-scenes quests that award a VERY special prize: the first-of-its-kind proccing One-Eyed Gem Weapon Enhancement!

Seared Tune-a-Fish, anyone?

Woah…what is that?!? It’s a JPG. No not that… THAT! Well, this unique enhancement equips your weapon with killer Stats AND the ability to cast Fireballs when attacking! No other Enhancement is quite like the One-Eyed Gem. AT ALL. And it can be all yours starting tomorrow night! It’s a Lvl 30 Enhancement too, so you know the Stats on it are going to be HOT!! (c’mon, I had to throw a horrible pun in there somewhere)

So let’s wrap this downpour-of-pink-text up with a little Story Time! You may not know this, but tomorrow’s release will be my FIRST ever Live Event! Yup, that’s right—I got hired on right after the live Voltaire/Friday the 13th event last year, so I cannot wait to share this experience with all of you ^___^ I don’t plan to sleep at all tomorrow night, so I had better meet each of you personally in game—screenshots galore!

Grab all of your friends and let’s make this the biggest, awesomest, and most totally epic (with-lvl-100-cherries-on-top) Live Event ever!

I’ll be seeing ya at 8pm SHARP. Don’t be late!

Tags: Beleen,
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