Information for Parents
What is AdventureQuest Worlds?
AdventureQuest worlds is a free-to-play massively multiplayer fantasy role playing game. Our team is dedicated to creating a family-friendly world full of excitement and adventure. With an ESRB Rating of Everyone 10+, you can be sure that your child is playing a safe game alongside their friends.
! How do I confirm and authorize a new game account?
Your child needs your permission to play AQ Worlds. When your child creates a new game account, an email is sent to your email inbox. Please read the email message and click the confirmation link in the message to activate the game account. If you need to change the game account email address, or have a new confirmation message sent to you, please login to the AQW Game Account Management site.
Who plays AdventureQuest Worlds?
Everyone of every age can play and enjoy AQWorlds! Children age 13 and younger may play on our "Moglin Safe Servers" which allow them to socialize with pre-selected phrases only. Players can team up to go on quests, explore the world, and battle monsters! The game is updated every week with new places, characters, items and quests for your child to safely experience.
What does my child need to play?
AQWorlds runs completely inside your computer's web browser and requires only the Adobe Flash plugin to play. Creating a new account is free and easy. You can log in from any web browser in the world! (It is sorta neat!)
- No Downloads
- No Installation needed
- No Spyware
- No Viruses
- No Spam*
- No Kidding!
Is AQWorlds safe for my child?
With our ESRB rating of Everyone 10+, AQWorlds does not contain any foul language, nudity, extreme realistic violence, or drug/alcohol use. AQWorlds is like our other games in the sense that we want players to work together cooperatively to achieve story-oriented goals. However, AQWorlds is the first game that we have allowed chat functionality between players. We have a strict 'bad word' filter in place to prevent players from saying bad things. We also have 'canned chat' servers that only allow for players to communicate with our pre-written messages.
Weekly Newsletters keep you informed
Artix, Cysero, and Alina write the weekly newsletter personally to keep players informed on what we are working on next. You can turn it on or off at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of the email or in the Account Management section of this website. We will NEVER give or sell your email address to anyone else, ever!
How to keep your account safe!
We guard your player data like a colossal Red Dragon guards its treasure. But please remember, it is up to every player to keep their account secure by never giving out their email or password. As your account security is of the utmost importance to us, please keep your account creation email saved somewhere safe.
If you choose to Upgrade your child's account to Member status, please keep a copy of that receipt on file. If you have any account problems, that receipt or creation email will allow us to assist you in a timely fashion. Enjoy the game and our upcoming new release! Read more about account safety.