How To Claim Your Prize!

Everything You Need To Know To Claim Your IoDA Prize! 

This page will share with you how to claim your prize, and give you some tips to follow when doing so.

Before you log into your Manage Account page to redeem your IoDA token, please remember that there is no time limit on these wonderful prizes.  You do not need to rush to a decision.  Take your time!  Scour the AQW Wiki.  Talk to your friends.  Talk to your enemies.  Talk to your pet!  Make sure when you redeem your token to claim your prize that you are asking for the most perfect prize for you!

Once you have decided on your perfect prize, please head on over to the AQW Wiki and make sure you have the exact spelling of the item name.  An example of why we recommend this would be the Enn'tröpy Pet.  If you try to ask the Chooser for an Enntropy or Enn’tropy Pet, it will not be able to locate it.  The spelling must match.

Now it’s time to actually redeem your prize!

The first thing you need to do is fully log out of the game. You cannot obtain a prize while still logged in.

Next, please go to your Manage Account page, make sure you have a confirmed email address and click on the Awesome Prizes link on the sidebar.  This will take you to where you will now obtain your IoDA prizes!  You will see a section which lists all your Tokens you currently possess, with buttons to use to turn them in.

To redeem a prize, start by clicking the Spend Token button.  This will take you to where you will actually redeem your prize.

As mentioned above, make sure you are entering the name of your desired item exactly as it appears on the AQW Wiki.  

Now click on the name of the item which is displayed and it will bring you to a verification page:

If the item displayed is exactly the item you wish, click the Get Prize Item.  If the item is not the one you thought it was, please click the Choose Different Item and refer back to the AQW Wiki and make certain you had the name exactly right.

In the case of items which have the same names, both items will be displayed and you can check the descriptions and prices to be certain you are clicking the correct one.

The IoDA tokens must be used on the account which received them.  They cannot be transferred, gifted, donate or otherwise used on a different account.

Items selected will be exactly as they appear on the AQW Wiki. Items cannot be changed in any form.  This means if an item is member tagged on the Wiki, it does require membership to use.  If an item is listed as having a gold price, it cannot be given an AC tag.

Item Availability

Farmed Items / End-Game Items

There is a small selection of non-rare, end-game items tagged as Legendary Rarity which we have made special IoDA copies of. 

These special IoDA versions of items will not award any badges that the farmed versions do, or be usable for any shops, quests, or other functions that require the farmed item. Not all farmed end-game items will become available for IoDA prizes.


Some farmed end-game items may become available for IoDA redemption after a minimum one month period has passed since the respective item's initial release. This is typically reserved for certain classes only, but some exceptions may be made for other item types.

Newly Released Items

For newly released items, if they are going to go rare, you will have to wait until they are no longer available in-game to claim them.  If they are not going rare, then the same one month time limit as the farmed items will apply before they can be requested.

For the Collection Chests, these will always be restricted to not being available until a minimum of one month after they are no longer available for purchase. At the time they become available, their Rarity listing will change from New Collection Chest to Rare.

Artix Entertainment always puts player happiness first!  We know that many of you will want some of the newer items, which we would not have been able to get donations for yet.  Because of this, the team is setting aside a number of each newly released item for the prize pool from the start, so we can fill these requests.

Badge-less Items

You may choose farmed items that come with badges such as the Blinding Light of Destiny, Sepulchure's Armor and Drakath's Armor.  However, if you choose one of these items, we cannot award the badge for it.  You will still have to finish the quests to get the badge.

There are some limitations to what you can pick, but they are very few and very reasonable.

You cannot redeem these tokens for:

  • An item that was made as a personal item for either staff or contest winners.
  • An item to be custom crafted, or any item which was custom crafted for any reason.
  • Badges
  • An item that is a bonus item from a HeroMart purchase. This does include items from the ingame HeroMart.
  • Items which were rewards from KickStarter pledges.
  • Items which come from Book of Lore Achievement Badges, or items which come from quests which require an item from these badges. These are the ones which show up in your Badge Tracker in the Manage Account page.
  • Miscellaneous items. (Items must be able to be equipped to be chosen)
  • An item from another game.  The IoDA program is exclusive to AQW.

These types of items will not appear in the Chooser list even with the exact item names.  If an item name is not appearing for you when you have it exactly as the AQW Wiki shows, it means the item is excluded and you will need to choose a different item.

The Item Rarity can also help you determine if an item cannot be requested.  If the item has one of the following rarities, it cannot be requested at all.  All other rarities will depend on regular rules.

  • Collector’s Rare - HeroMart items or items purchased with HeroPoints
  • Super Mega Ultra Rare - Items no longer in the game which have been restricted from the IoDA program
  • Legendary Item - Items still in the game which are restricted from the IoDA program.
  • Limited Drop Rarity - Special items which were set to only be available for a limited time which are excluded from the IoDA program.
  • New Collection Chest* - Used on Collection Chests only, to be changed when they become available.

Please note that Classes do not display a rarity.  You may use this Wiki page to see if a class cannot be obtained through IoDA tokens:
Excluded "Item of Digital Awesomeness" Items

*This is a new Rarity we are using on Collection Chests only.  Once they are available, they will be tagged as Rare.

Final Notes

There is no time limit on redeeming these tokens, and you are given instructions further up this page and on the Awesome Items IoDA Chooser on how to make sure you are getting the item you desired by comparing descriptions and prices on the AQW Wiki before you confirm it is the item you want.  Because of this, we have to hold players responsible for selecting the item they want to have.

Please make sure you research the item before redeeming your token, and that you're requesting the exact item you want.

Once you have chosen your item, it is yours.  It cannot be refunded, exchanged, swapped, substituted, replaced or undone.

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