Interface Icons

The best way to succeed in Lore is to know your surroundings. And in this case, know your Interface surroundings! You will be staring at the screen for a pretty long time, so it is good to know exactly what every button, icon, and super-long green-and-purple bar means!


InventoryThis button will open up your player's inventory where all your awesome loot is stored. Within the inventory you can browse your items, enhance gear, equip equipables, or trash unwanted items.

Temporary Inventory

Temp InventoryHolds your quest items which will be cleared when you log out or are disconnected. Or turn them in for quest awards!


InventoryThe options menu allows players to toggle: Whispers, Party Invites, Friend Invites, Helm Display, Cape Display, Pet Display, Visual Quality, and Sound. Players can also manage their Friends List, Ignore List and see upcoming events from our 'News' button.

The Book of Lore

Temp InventoryThe Book of Lore is the player's Number 1 go-to-spot for Character, Achievement, Badge and Quest information. This rare and magical book actually tracks the player’s progress throughout the world of Lore.


InventoryNot a homeowner yet? In AdventureQuest Worlds you can be… without a mortgage! Purchase or visit your home by clicking on the House button.


Temp InventoryVisit your map often since the world of Lore is constantly being explored and expanding. You can instantly travel to any zone available with a simple click of the mouse; no flight fee or passport required.


InventoryEvery adventurer tracks down what quests they are on. Here is where you will find that list, mind you the list will reset upon each visit to Lore, so logging out our getting disconnected will erase the your lists of quests.

Character Panel

Temp InventoryIf beating down monsters isn't enough, you can click this button to see just how strong you really are! The Character Panel has information about your character's Class and Stats.


InventoryAfter a long tough fight you may find yourself drained. Click this button to regain your health and mana over a period of time. Powerful adventurers know that they should rest after every battle.

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