
Add Enhancements to items to increase their stats and damage! With over 1,700 Enhancements to choose from, from Warrior to Spellbreaker and everything else in-between, you can freely build up your character any way you choose! Apply Enhancements to Helms, Armors, Weapons, and Capes by buying them from Shop Vendors and Class Trainers…and some rare ones might even be hidden throughout the world of Lore…

Enhancing From Shop:

If you do not already have the enhancement you wish to use, then you can visit any class trainer and purchase enhancements from them. The shopkeepers of Lore are actually quite skilled and if they sell enhancements they will enhance your gear for you directly from the shop... if you ask nicely. (Click on images for a bigger screenshot)

  1. Shop

    Select an enhancement from the shopkeepers supply. Shopkeepers are smart enough to know only to sell you enhancements that are useful to you. This is why they only show you enhancements that are around your level.

  2. Shop + Preview
    Shop + Preview

    Here we have the fighter enhancement selected. In the preview panel we can see a description of the enhancement, what stats this enhancement will improve, and how much the enhancement will cost. Clicking the 'buy and hold' will charge the amount shown and place the enhancement in your inventory. Clicking 'Apply Now' will let you choose what item you would like to apply the enhancement to. Click Apply Now.

  3. Shop + Create Panel + List
    Shop + Create Panel + List

    We now have a list of items we can apply this enhancement too. If we select an item from this list we can see its current state directly below the selected item. In the Create panel we can see what the item will become after it is enhanced. Pressing the Enhance button will charge you the amount displayed and apply the change to the item.

  4. Confirm Box
    Confirm Box

    Congratulations you have enhanced an item directly from the shop.

Enhancing From Your Inventory

Just a heads up, if you already have an enhancement in your inventory then you can enhance an item from anywhere in the game. Enhancements are sold at each of the class trainers, although you just might be able to find some special enhancements on your adventures throughout Lore. (Click on images for a bigger screenshot)

  1. Inventory

    Select an item from your inventory. (weapon)

  2. Inventory + Preview
    Inventory + Preview

    In the preview panel we can tell what enhancement is currently on the item. At the bottom we can select the 'enhance' button.

  3. Inventory + List + Create Panel
    Inventory + List + Create

    Now we have a Create panel where we can see what our new item will look like. The list allows us to pick from our available enhancements. Below the list we can see what that enhancement does. Select an enhancement and click the big red 'enhance' button.

  4. Confirm Box
    Confirm Box

    Congratulations you have enhanced an item.

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