Dage's Guide

A Guide to Dage's Legion and Storyline

Dare to pledge your soul to Dage?  For a quick overview click How to join Dage's Undead Legion.  Below is a more indepth guide to joining showing what requirements and monsters you'll need to defeat to show alliance to Dage.

/join underworld

Home to Dage the Evil’s Legion and SoulForge, as well as Vokun, Lord of the Forgotten Tombs.

Underworld Shops

Underworld NPCs

Underworld Currencies 

Dage has special items that require special currency to get.

Legion Tokens: Ancient coins used for currency by the Undead Legion. Obtained as rewards for Dage the Evil’s Quests.
Dage’s Favor: Currency used for Dage’s War Merge Shop. Obtained by slaying members of Nulgath’s Nation in the map.
Dage’s Approval: Currency used for Dage’s War Merge Shop. Obtained by slaying members of Nulgath’s Nation in the map.
Archfiend’s Favor: Currency used for Nulgath’s War Merge Shop. Obtained by slaying members of Dage’s Legion in the map.
Nulgath’s Approval: Currency used for Nulgath’s War Merge Shop. Obtained by slaying members of Dage’s Legion in the map.
Obsidian Rock: Resource used to craft items in Dage’s SoulForge. Obtained by completing Dage’s SoulForge Quests or by purchasing them with Legion Tokens.
Solidified Soul: Resource used to craft items in Dage’s SoulForge. Obtained by completing Dage’s SoulForge Quests or by purchasing them with Legion Tokens.
Unitas Fragment: Currency used in Vokun’s Merge Shop. Obtained by completing Vokun’s Quests.

Dage the Evil's Quests

(You must have purchased Undead Warrior to start these quests.  Link to how to Join the Legion.)

Undead Champion Initiation- Summon and defeat the Black Knight in GreenGuard West. (In order to summon the Black Knight you must complete the Black Knight (NPC)’s quest to create the Black Knight Orb. This quest requires you to join the maps /greendragon, /well, /deathgazer, and /trunk and defeat the bosses there until they drop the required quest items.)

Mourn the Soldiers- Defeat a Skeletal Soldier in /battleunder, a Chaos Drow in /dwarfhold, a Fishman Soldier in /pirates, and a Dwakel Soldier in /willowcreek.

Understanding Undead Champions- Acquire 80 Ravaged Champion Souls by defeating the Undead Champion in /battleunderb.

Slay the Unworthy- Defeat 50 Skeletal Warriors in /graveyard.

Fail to the King- Defeat 25 King Alteon’s Knights in /prison.

Robbed Legion Vampire- Must have completed Fail to the King.  May only be done once per day.  Fight Tibicenas in /djinn.

Once you have completed the Fail to the King quest, you are now considered a member of Dage’s Legion!  (These quests are not required to be a member of the Legion and do not require the Undead Warrior armor)

Obtain the Dark Caster Class- (Requires the Rare Dark Caster armor) Acquire 200 Legion Tokens and 1 Tasty Cookie (Dropped by the Red Dragon in /lair).

High Legion Champion- (Requires the High Legion Champion armor, purchased from the Undead Legion Shop) Defeat the 13 Undead Champions in /battleunderb and 1 Angry Undead Giant in /battleunder.

Exalted Legion Champion- (Requires the Exalted Legion Champion armor, purchased from the Undead Legion Shop) Defeat the 13 Undead Champions in /battleunderb and 1 Angry Undead Giant in /battleunder

Endurance Test- Defeat 20 Skeletal Fire Mages in /portalundead and acquire 1 Broken Blade (Dropped by the Rock Elemental in /bludrut).

Dage’s Black Box- Acquire Dage’s Note (Dropped by Sneevils in /boxes), Dage’s 2nd Note (Dropped by the GreenGuard Dragon in /greendragon), Dage’s 3rd Note (Dropped by Doomwood Treeants in /doomwood), and a Box Cutter (Dropped by Sneevils in /boxes).

Dage the Evil’s Sword of the Legion Quests

(These quests require the Rare Sword of the Legion weapon.)

Sword of the Legion Items- Acquire 1 Legion Sword Resource (Purchased in the Undead Legion Shop), 100 Legion Tokens, and 1 Legion Sword Hilt (Dropped by Skeletal Knights in /shadowfall).

Sword of the Legion Armor- Acquire 200 Legion Tokens and 1 Legion Sword Armor Key (Dropped by Skeletal Knights in /shadowfall).

Dage the Evil’s Champion Quests

(These quests require the Undead Champion armor)

Legion Exercise Number 1: Acquire 40 Flawless Dracohorns from Draconians in /lair, 1 Golden (Gold Draconian), Dark (Dark Draconian), Mammoth (Bronze Draconian), Water (Water Draconian), Venom (Venom Draconian), Iron (Purple Draconian) DracoHearts (All found in /lair) and 1 Chaotic DracoHeart (Dropped by Chaotic Draconians in /dwarfhold).

Legion Exercise Number 2: Defeat Skeletal Fire Mages in /portalundead,the Tiger Leech in /mudluk, and acquire 1 Grumble’s Curse (Dropped by Grumble in /sewer).

Legion Exercise Number 3: Defeat 50 Chaos Sp-eyes in /mobius, 24 Chaos Eggs in /uppercity, and 1 Dreadfiend of Nulgath in /underworld.

Legion Exercise Number 4: Acquire 1 Soul Scythe (Dropped by Soul Seeker in /marsh2), defeat 15 Skeletal Ice Mages in /swordhavenundead, and defeat 1 Lesser Shadow Serpent in /marsh2.

Gateway to the Souls: Defeat 15 Ghostly Aracaras in /curseblue and 30 Chaos Sp-eyes in /mobius.

(These quests require the Legion Soul Collector item)

Ghostly Zardman Souls: Defeat 50 Escaped Ghostly Zards in /curseshore.

Cyclops Warlord Ghost Souls: Defeat 50 Cyclops Warlord Ghosts in /cursered.

Escaped Wendighost Souls: Defeat 50 Escaped Wendighosts in /curseshore.

Belrot the Ghost Souls: Defeat 50 Belrot the Ghosts in /curseblue.

Ghostly Deathgazer Souls: Defeat 50 Ghostly Deathgazers in /cursered.

Escaped Dai Tenghost Souls: Defeat 50 Escaped Dai Tenghosts in /curseshore.

Mercutio’s Soul: Defeat 25 Mercutios in /mercutio.

Ghostly Aracara Souls: Defeat 50 Ghostly Aracaras in /curseblue.

Ghostly Grizzlespit Souls: Defeat 50 Ghostly Grizzlespits in /curseblue.

SoulForge’s Quest

(Can only be done if you don’t have the SoulForge Hammer weapon)

The Soul Forge Hammer (Unlock Soul Forge): Acquire a Zardman’s StoneHammer (Dropped by Zarman Grunts in /forest), an Iron Hammer (Bought in Artix’s shop in /swordhaven), and a Elemental Rock Hammer (Dropped by a Rock Elemental in /bludrut ).

Dage’s SoulForge Resource Quests

(Must own SoulForge Hammer)

Obsidian Mining: Defeat 10 Fire Imps in /mobius.

Soul Forgery: Defeat 10 Ghost Monsters.

Undead Legion Member Special: Defeat 6 Fire Imps in /mobius and 6 Ghost Monsters.

Vokun’s Quests

Soul Dealer: Acquire a Warrior Claymore Blade (Dropped by Undead Beserekers in /marsh2, Dark Crown Axe (Dropped by SlimeSkulls in /maul), and 50 Undead Energies (Dropped by Undead Monsters after completing “A Loyal Follower” quest)

Twisted Trust: Acquire a Burn It Down staff (Dropped from Cleric Joy’s Quest) and Escherion’s Robe (Dropped by Escherion in /escherion).

Skull and Bones: Defeat 28 Undead Pirates in /pirates.

Legendary Unity: Acquire a Bone Axe (Dropped by Big Jack Sprat in /graveyard) and a Helm of the Dark Lord (Bought in the Evil Shop)

Congratulations you've survived the Underworld.  Proceed to Fotia Guide to continue Dage's storyline.

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