Chaos Fan Art Winners: Ledgermayne
Grand Prize Winner: 7th Lord of Chaos
This is a dream-come-true! Fellow player Nightmare created this AMAZING Chaos Lord Ledgermanye fan art and won the Grand Prize!
Your artwork is truly magical, Nightmare. Please accept: 1,000 AdventureCoins, the exclusive color-custom Chaos Paintbrush + Chaos Artist Palette dual weapon set, the Art of Chaos character page badge, AND your art as an in-game House Item (which will be released at a future date)!
2nd Place Winners: 7th Lord of Chaos
The Lightness
Uzumaki Fahmie
La Roux
This is what Legends are made of! Each of you will get: 800 AdventureCoins, the color-custom Chaos Paintbrush polearm, and the Art of Chaos character page badge.
3rd Place Winners: 7th Lord of Chaos
Here is the Dropbox folder to see all the third Place Winners! Our 3rd place winners are:
- JimmyHanh
- Jhooli
- Erza_red
- mikito01
- Shawi
- Glag
- purple phoenix 96
Each of you will receive: 500 AdventureCoins, the Chaos Paintbrush Polearm weapon, and the Art of Chaos Character Page Badge. Great job!
Runner Ups: 7th Lord of Chaos
Click here to view the Dropbox folder with all the Runner Ups, and here’s the list:
- samara54
- Ferozakh
- werrwilliam
- Raindy Gothic
- Xytros
Each runner up will get 200 AdventureCoins and the Art of Chaos character page badge. Good job!
Stay tuned to the Design Notes, as we will announce our 8th Lord of Chaos Fan Art contest winners tomorrow.
Battle On!
xoxo Beleen <3