
Wield the Light to save those trapped by the Darkness! UndeadSlayers absorb spirit orbs from undead enemies and use that spirit power to improve their ability to defeat the Undead. As an UndeadSlayer, you free the souls of those unwillingly trapped by the agents of Evil. Face down your foes, knowing that you have the power of Light, Might and Right on your side. Only those who have proven their worth in Doomwood with a Rank 10 Reputation may be worthy of calling themselves an UndeadSlayer. You may also buy the UndeadSlayer Class for 2,000 AdventureCoins in the Doomwood Rep Shop in the Lightguard Tower. Because of their high Endurance, Strength, and Dexterity, the most famous UndeadSlayers arm themselves with Fighter and Lucky Enhancements.

Base Stats

Strength: 94
Intellect: 17
Endurance: 104
Dexterity: 76
Wisdom: 35
Luck: 21


Undead Slayer



Auto Attack
 Rank Needed: 1
Mana Cost: 0 Mana
Cooldown: 2 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.
Note: When attacking undead monsters, Spirit Power is gained


 Rank Needed: 1
Mana Cost: 10 Mana
Cooldown: 2 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: A powerful spirit attack, damage enhanced by spirit power. More effective against undead.

Spirit of Healing

Spirit of Healing
Rank Needed:
Mana Cost: 20 Mana
Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: Heal yourself with spirit power. Amount healed increased with spirit power.

Vorpal Strike

Vorpal Strike
 Rank Needed: 3
Mana Cost: 10 Mana
Cooldown: 5 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: A strong attack enhanced by spirit power.


Dragon Lance
Rank Needed: 5
Mana Cost: 30 Mana
Cooldown: 30 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: The UndeadSlayer's ultimate attack. Requires at least 20 Spirit Power to use. Consumes ALL Spirit Power.


Passive Abilities


Rank Needed:
Type: Passive
Description: Increase Endurance by 15%


Blessed Speed Burst
Rank Needed:
Type: Passive
Description: Increase Haste by 10%

Passive Spirit Surge
Rank Needed: 10
Type: Passive
Description: Small chance that using one of your skills other than Auto-Attack may result in instantly maxing out your Spirit Power.


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