Paladin High Lord

Paladin High Lords are champions of light and serve all good causes. As a Paladin High Lord, you help the helpless and lead the order of the Paladins into battle. Only those who have the Artix Action Figure from HeroMart can shatter the forces of evil with the almighty power of light! Notable for their incredible Strength, Intellect, Endurance, and Dexterity, Paladin High Lords use Fighter, Wizard, and Lucky Enhancements to slay undead foes and defeat evil at every turn.

Base Stats

Strength: 83
Intellect: 83
Endurance: 69
Dexterity: 69
Wisdom: 24
Luck: 17


Paladin High Lord



Auto Attack
 Rank Needed: 1
Mana Cost: 0 Mana
Cooldown: 2 Seconds
Type: Physical
Description: A basic attack, taught to all adventurers. 

Purifying Flame

Purifying Flame
 Rank Needed: 1
 Mana Cost: 20 Mana
Cooldown: 6 Seconds
Type: Magical
Description: Shoots a ball of holy fire at your foe causing damage over time and a decrease in Crit for as long as your foe burns. Damage increase with each additional party member.

Word of Light

Word of Light
 Rank Needed: 2
 Mana Cost: 30 Mana
Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Type: Magical
Heals you and your allies. The Heal grows strong with each person added to your party!


Rank Needed: 3
 Mana Cost: 10 Mana
Cooldown:5 Seconds
Type: Physical
Stacks up to 5 times. Strike that does low damage but slows your enemy with each stack. Has a chance to stun Undead foes for 4 seconds.

Light Wave  Light Wave
 Rank Needed: 5
Mana Cost: 30 Mana
Cooldown: 10 Seconds
Type: Magical
You send out a wave of light that damages all enemies in range and reduces their damage for a short time. Effects grow stronger with more people in your party.


Passive Abilities


Pure Blood
Rank Needed:
Type: Passive
Description: Increases CRIT CHANCE by 12%


Soul Glow
Rank Needed:
Type: Passive
Description: Increase DAMAGE by 10%

Passive Divine Hand
Rank Needed: 10
Type: Passive
Description: Your target suffers a massive blow from an unseen divine helper.


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