How do I become a mod, tester or staff member?

Do you love AQWorlds and want to help out? The AQWorlds Team includes several different types of roles of people who all work together to keep the game safe, fun and functional at all times!

Here's an Design Notes post about being a Mod!

Here's an AQWorlds Design Notes post about Mods vs. Devs. vs. testers!

Here's a quick rundown of of what kind of Staff we have and how to become one:

  • Developers - Also called Devs, this role includes the coders, artists, animators, writers and all the others on the team who build the game. They are the ones who write the adventures, program the game engine, compose the music, draw the items and animate the monsters and cutscenes! We hire Devs very rarely and when we do, it is usually someone who is already volunteering with us. Usually you will need to have a university degree and/or several years of professional work experience in their field.

  • Player Support - This role includes 3 departments of team members who are dedicated to helping players with issues that happen inside or outside the game:
    • In-game Moderators (Mods) help you in-game, monitor and protect the game from anyone breaking the Artix Rules, and who review player reports and hand our bans/mutes as necessary. When AQWorlds needs new Mods, the AQWorlds Team will make an annoucement in the Game Design Notes with more information. Usually a call for new Mods is issued a few times a year. You MUST be 18 years old or over to apply and send us ALL of the information requested to be considered. Emailing us and asking to be a mod does not mean we will hire you as a mod.
    • Artix Customer Support (Artix HelpTeam) answers all email and contact inquiries sent through the Help Pages for any account, paymen or technical issues outside of the game. Usually we only hire someone who lives close to where Artix Entertainment is located.
    • The Forums Staff helps you with game issues or any issues you have using the Forums. When AQWorlds needs help with the AQWorlds BattleOn Forums, usually the Forums Staff hires from within. They honor players with special titles who are helpful to others in the Forums and it is those players they pick from to be hired for Forums Staff.

  • Testers - This role includes staff and players who have generously dedicated their free time to help test our game when new content or functionality is released. They help figure out if anything is missing, broken, unbalanced or just plain weird! If we need more Testers, we will post on the AQWorlds Design Notes with more information.

  • Bug Hunters - Also known as the Bug Squashers, this role is for any staff and players who have also dedicated their precious free time who help read through reports of bugs/glitches/typos/etc in game that need to be fixed that are sent through the Artix Entertainment Bug Hunter System. They squash those nasty bugs so all of our players experience fun, seamless, and uninterrupted game play! If we do not have enough Bug Hunters, we will post on the AQWorlds Design Notes with more information.

  • Admins - This role includes specific staff members (who are also devs or player support) who work in the AQWorlds admin to release content, build stuff for the game, research account/payment issues, depending on their position.

Keep in mind that having a gold name in AQWorlds can be a lot of fun but it is also a lot of hard work! You are representing the game so you have to be mature, smart and very patient. AQWorlds players are always excited to see someone with a gold name in game and will always ask a ton of questions and will need help.

Thank you so much for your interest and for supporting AQWorlds!

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