Design Notes
December 14, 2012
The A-PINK-olypse!
Thunder Buddies for Life... right?
"A storm of Beleen's Pink colored doom is rolling in tonight. As our heroes are tasked with stopping the end of the world by defeating Kezeroth at, I am immobilized by the terror of of Beleen's Pink Birthday Release.... am I alone in my fear of her fabled pink madness? Do I have a Thunder Buddy to weather tonight's storm with?" - Artix
Xyo's Fan Video "Beleen's Pink Madness"
If you have not seen this before, this is a fan video made by the amazing animator Xyo. The way they did the voices caught us off guard so much that we sprayed our monitors with our drinks. Most players know I have a rare and deadly allergy to the color pink. Simply touching the color pink could actually cause my hand to catch on fire and explode. (These statements have not been evalutated by the FDA.) Beleen, who loves the color pink... often tests the limits of my ability to endure pink.