Design Notes
June 25, 2010
The Live Event
Musical Guest One-Eyed Doll & Chaos Lord Fight
This is one event... that no one will want to miss! We will restart the servers an hour early and let everyone join the map to get ready. Then.. when the event starts.... well.... ANYTHING CAN... AND WILL... HAPPEN! This is so exciting! (62.45% chance... not including electrical storms and tornados.... that this event will crash our entire game network. It has been waaaaay to long since we enjoyed a good train wreck together. See you tonight for some REAL Chaos!)
What to do before the Event
- Read the Play by Play on the homepage
It is at the bottom of the first post from me)
- Complete all of the Mythsong Canyon Quests
Then... you will get full achievements and quest progress saves during the live event! But do not worry, if you have not completed all of the quests you will still be able to do the event.
- Battle in the War!
The war going on now will determine what happens tonight..... things are not looking good!
- Upgrade to Become a Member
Members will get to go backstage after the show for bonus quests, a special shop... and yes... our first Weapon Enhancement with a Special Effect: The One-Eyed Gem! If you enhance your weapon with this weapon it has a % chance to cause ongoing Fire Damage to monsters. The stats are balanced so it is good for all classes.
EVIL Sir Ver?! What The Floop?
Once again, Evil Sir Ver has claimed a server of his own. We are expecting a LOT of people for the One-Eyed Doll Rock Show / Chaos Lord Fight tonight so we added another server. Yay us!
ALSO: We have confirmation that there will be a "Eye Was There" Achievement Badge for anyone who finishes the event while it is still LIVE! You can ONLY get this Achievement during the show TONIGHT and it WILL show up on your character page. Be there or be somewhere else!
There will be 3 shops in the event.
First is a Pre-Show Merch Booth, as any good rock show should have. This will contain all AC items and this shop will only last one week. Next Friday... when the event becomes a permenant part of the game... THIS shop vanishes forever.
The second shop is the One-Eyed-Doll Event Shop. You will have to complete the event to unlock this shop. It contains Member and Non-Member gold items and will never leave the game.
The last shop is in the Member-Only Backstage area. In this area you will have access to the last shop full of One-Eyed Doll and Mythsong house items, Special quests with a CHANCE to recieve a new type of Enhancement as a reward (this Enh will add stats to your weapon AND has a chance to cast fireball at your enemies!), and you will be able to interview One-Eyed Doll after the show!
a HUGE 35 TOTAL items including armors, pets, weapons, color custom helms, and Enhancements with Specials... not to mention out biggest (and WAY coolest) event to date with several animated cutscenes, voice acting and the powerhouse muscial talents of One-Eyed Doll.
ALSO ALSO.... the Summer Break shop returns for one week (that's 9 MORE items!) celebrating the end of school and the beginning of summer break for kids all over the world.
This will be a night to remember!