Design Notes

January 09, 2013

Shut Up and Take My Rares!

An AQWorlds Contest on

The first Tuesday of every month, we will be running a raffle and drawing the name of an AQW Player who will win the chance to hang out with an AQW Dev or Mod in-game for an hour or two! The winner will also get to pick a single rare item that can no longer be found in game from the list below. We will reach into our own backpacks and transfer the item from us directly to you!

Devs/Mods that you could hang out with (based on availability):

Artix Galanoth Cysero
Alina Dage The Evil Samba
Beleen Yorumi Dumoose
Stratos Memet Diozz
Jemini Zhimaira


List of rares available:

Armors/Helms Classes
6 x Alpha Pirate 4 x Chronomancer
3 x Beta Berzerker 2 x Darkside Class
1 x Bloodriver 3 x Vindicator Of They Class
1 x Blood of Nulgath 2 x Vampire Class
2 x Bloodletter of Nulgath 2 x Witch class
1 x Hex of Nulgath  
2 x Fiend of Nulgath Weapons
1 x Deathfiend of Nulgath 3 x Oblivion blade of of Nulgath
2 x Chuckles Skull 1 x Platinum axe of destiny
1 x Cloverfield Stalker 2 x Star Sword
1 x Celestial Sandknight 1 x Red Star Sword
2 x Eternal Flame 1 x StarSword Breaker
4 x Dark Caster 1 x Star Slasher
1 x Dark Wolf 1 x Voltaire's Guitar
1 x Deady  
2 x Doom Fire Pets
3 x Guardian Shadow 1 x Frostval Quibble Bank Pet
1 x Legion Jolly Roger 1 x Jacon Balloon Dragon
1 x Lycan Transformation 1 x Sock Dragon
1 x Mirror Drakath 1 x Paragon Pet
2 x Naval Commander  
2 x Prometheus  
2 x Rotting Naval Commander  
1 x Rotting Pirate Captain  
1 x Vampwing  
1 x Vampire Transformation  
1 x Voltaire's Top hat  
1 x Soul Harvester  
2 x Soul Ripper  

Does this mean we can trade in AQW?!

While trade will never be a part of AQW we can go into our characters and manually transfer individual items from one of us to you. If the rare you want isn't on the list we will try and work with you and see if any devs or mods have the item you want. Remember that the devs and mods have volunteered to donate their own rares to the winners from their own inventories so most of these will be “gently used”. Some classes might already be maxed out.

Take your personal mod-servant around the game and show him/her off to all of your friends, ask them questions about the game, interview them for your blog, trade knock-knock jokes and muffin recipes, ask about secrets of the game, record and post YouTube videos of them losing to you in PvP and generally have a good time.


You must have a Rares Raffle Ticket in your character’s inventory or bank at the time the winner is being selected (the first of every month). You can get a Rares Raffle Ticket from Cleric Joy (the girl in the white robe when you first log in) in-game for 0AC. It is a non-member item with free bank storage. The Rares Raffle Ticket gives you 1 chance to win.


We wanted to allow all active players to enter the S.U.A.T.M.R. (SHUT UP AND TAKE MY RARES) contest. We also want to reward the players who are supporting the game by giving them additional chances to win.

  • Have a Rares Raffle Ticket:  1 Chance to win (required to participate)
  • Be a MEMBER: +1 Chance to win for every DAY left on your Memberships on the date of the drawing.
  • Complete an AExtra offer: +1 Chance to win for every offer you complete during the current contest before the drawing.

Example:  If you get a Rares Raffle Ticket (1 chance to win) and have four months (one hundred and twenty days) left on your membership (+120 chances to win) and completed twelve AExtra offers (+12 chances to win) you will be automatically entered into the contest 133 times (1+120+12), increasing your chance of winning the current contest by quite a bit.

When you win, we will contact you by e-mailing you. Make sure that your e-mail is current and up to date. Each winner will have 3 days to respond, then we will draw a new winner.

Good Luck!

Tags: Alina,
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