Design Notes
April 27, 2011
Beleen is back… and so is an Art Contest!
Oh my. I see that there is a massive lack of PINK on this page. So I’m here to fix it!
True story: I have missed you guys and gals soooooo much! I’ve been AFK for two weeks now (getting college stuff in order, yanno) and I can’t WAIT to start playing my favorite MMO again with all of my lovely friends =D
Sorry Artix… but Beleen is back so you had better equip those anti-pink protective eyeglasses! MWAHA!
So what have I missed? …a Spring AE Art Contest, huh? A W E S O M E—I looovve art contests!
The Mission
Make AE-themed spring holiday original artwork! You can draw, sculpt, paint, bake a giant Grenwog cake, or even create a balloon Blinding Light of Destiny, as long as everything is made by you! The contest thread will close Friday May 6th, 2011 at 5:00 pm EST (server time), with the winner being announced during the following week.
The Sweet Prizes
The Grand Prize Winner(s?) will receive 4,000 Artix Points
! 2,000 will be awarded for second place, third AND fourth places and, as always, we reserve the right to award people who go above and beyond!
Good luck to everyone!