Design Notes
January 17, 2014
Uncover Lore's Hidden Secrets
Explore Lore and Discover the Truth!
If we are going to save the world from Chaos, we are going to need to know MUCH more about the world around us! And the BEST way to do that is to get out into the wilds and take on the creatures that make Lore up... then bring back the knowledge you learn and put the pieces together!
This week, we are introducing the Loremaster Tradeskill. /Join Librarium to begin collecting information about the monsters around Lore through scrolls that drop as you battle them. In future tradeskill releases, you'll be able to collect information on Chaos monsters, zones, and NPCs.
Once we put ALL of that knowledge together, we might just unlock the key to discovering how to defeat Lore's greatest threat: Drakath and his Chaorruption! To begin, complete Loremaster Maya's three tradeskill quests, then check your Monsterpedia to see what creatures to go after!
Loremaster Rewards!
Maya knows that the best way to give heroes incentive is to have good rewards on hand! Complete her rep quests to earn Loremaster rep points and unlock gear in her shop! New tonight is the Battlescarred Warrior set!
Also available in the Loremaster Rep shop are:
- Sneevil, Frogzard, and Baby Dragon on your back capes
- Explorer and Loremaster Daggers
- Dwakel Tech Helm