Design Notes
May 12, 2015
Firestorm: Wrath of the FlameLord
If you can't stand the heat, destroy the FIRESTORM!
The Phedra - a giant phoenix-like titan - has risen, summoned by the might of the an army of fire mages and warriors. The Firestorm Onslaught rules in Embersea now, and after you traded your freedom to save the innocent villagers, there is only one thing left to do - defeat their leader and take over the entire army!
If you haven't played through the Firestorm Onslaught storyline yet, you're missing out on one of the hottest zones in AQWorlds! Read on to find out what you've missed, and how you begin your adventures to save the people of Embersea from the Queen of Monster's fieriest general!
Friday, May 22ne is the finale of the Firestorm Onslaught storyline. In the last release, heroes had to battle through the Firestorm Forge - taking on warriors from every rank of the army, ... but so much happened before that!
The Firestorm Onslaught story so far...
Embersea Isle: Talk to Warlord Kyron in Embersea Islae as he and the townspeople of Embersea prepare for war against the Firestorm Onslaught and struggle to survive the deadly plague they've unleashed! /Join embersea to begin the adventure!
Pyrewatch Peak: Battle to reach Pyrewatch Peak, where the sick have gathered for protection. With attacks on the rise, your skill and courage are needed to help defend the weak and innocent! /Join pyrewatch to begin the adventure once you've completed the quests in Embersea!
Mount ShadowFlame: Join Empress Gravelyn, ruler of the Shadowscythe, her newly-resurrected father, Sepulchure the DoomKnight, and Akriloth the Fire Dragon as they move to take Tyndarius and the Queen of Monsters down! /Join Shadowflame to take part in the ShadowDragon War!
Feverfew Falls: Fight to escape the Blazebinder’s trap in Feverfew Falls! Attacks by the Firestorm Onslaught are increasing, and when the temple is destroyed, a horrible fate befalls many of those who had escaped Tyndarius' army! /Join feverfew to begin the adventure once you've completed the quests in Pyrewatch!
Phoenixrise: Pass through the Pheonixrise Gates and battle to save those taken by the Onslaught. Defeat the dread beast Cinderclaw the Ravenous before it's too late to save them! /Join phoenixrise to begin the adventure once you've completed the quests in Feverfew!
Fireforge: Take on warriors from every rank of the Firestorm Onslaught as you battle your way towards a confrontation with their leader, Tyndarius! /Join fireforge to begin the adventure once you've completed the quests in Phoenixrise!