Design Notes

February 12, 2015

Valentine's Day Reward Hunt

Take On the Red Dragon for a Rare Reward!

True love is forever, but you'll only be able to get the Dark Heart Harvester scythe from the Red Dragon in /lair for the next 72 hours! So why not grab your favorite battle companion, gear up, and start slaying? 

free rpg mmo valentine's day gift item huntTake the Red Dragon DOWN!

Show the one you love your battle prowess... or /party all night long with your friends as you slay your way to one of the sharpest, darkest scythes in game!* 

NEW: if you want a really good screenshot of your new scythe (or want to send your true love a picture of your AQWorlds character, /join pinkmap for a heart-warming screenshot background!

Join us tomorrow night for the "Fridayr the 13th: True Love Never Dies" Hero's Heart Day / Friday the 13th double event!

* Some of you DragonFable fans might recognize this as a darker version of the Love Harvester... and you'd be right! Tomix sent us some very shiny DF art a while back, and this is the perfect time for it!)

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