Design Notes
July 03, 2014
Alliance Rallies in Lair
Chaos Pushes to the Heart of the Dragon's Lair
As of this morning, the Lair War Meters sit at 98% and 85%, in favor of the Alliance. The forces of Chaos have advanced far enough into the Lair to make reaching the Chaos Beast a certainty, as the 13th Lord of Chaos was sure would happen.
HOWEVER, Empress Gravelyn's goal - to delay the advances of Chaos long enough to rally forces and buy her time to raise Shadowfall have also paid off - she has taken some of those new forces and sent them into the Dragon's Lair. The Lair WILL NOT FALL to Chaos!
This morning, Alliance Soldiers appeared in the Lairattack map, while behind the scenes, the AQW team is preparing to launch the next story cutscene: the rise of the 13th Chaos Beast!
Out-of-character: When I woke up this morning and saw the war meters, I almost dropped my coffee! We did not expect to see THAT, but we changed the map this morning to illustrate it.
Some players are concerned about unfair advantages; there are several reasons the war meter may have gone up so fast (either cheating, an error on our part, or something else.) We are looking at that now, but will go forward as planned.
Fixed Plot Points vs Dynamic Outcomes
Many of the events in the Summer of Chaos are NOT scripted; the war cutscenes were written for each different outcome (if the Alliance had won in Darkovia, Safiria and the 10 million vampires would not have died!)... but many events in this storyline MUST happen.
Finale arc illustrations
The 13th Lord of Chaos raising their Chaos Beast is one of those, as is a final confrontation with Drakath. Though we are leaving certain things in the storyline up to you, we do have a story to tell... one that has been in planning for the last six years!
Update: Chaos Beast Gauntlet Arrives Later Tonight
The 100% cutscene will play as soon as one of the war meters hits 100%. The Chaos Beast Gauntlet map AND the 13th Chaos Beast shop will release later tonight.