Design Notes
September 23, 2011
Bloodtusk Under Siege!
Good and Evil Take Over the Ravine!
Fear of Chaos is tearing apart both the Horcs and Trolls! King Alteon and Empress Gravelyn, worried over whispers escaping from the Ravine, have sent their diplomats to take over, instituting martial law.
With the Alliance's Army controlling the Ravine - the Horcs and Trolls are afraid they will be unable to protect themselves from the Chaos Lord, whoever they may be!
Kagg and Sokrakiis call on YOU, Hero, to help them save their homes, their families, and a mysterious Ore that is sacred to them all. Will you defy your long-time allies to help your newest friends? And Drakath's minions... what chaotic Twin-terference have THEY been up to?
This week has some AWESOME rewards AND a member-only area of the map to battle high-exp and gold monsters! (This area also has increased drop rates for quest items and item rewards!)
Troll Rep Shop:
- Troll Warrior Armor
- Trollinator Cape
- Trollinator Helms
Horc Rep Shop:
- Horc Peacekeeper Armor
- Horcinating Cape
- Peacekeeper Hat
Troll Defiance Shop:
- Pride and Glory
- Troll's Last Stand
Horc Defiance Shop:
- Granite Rippers
- Mauling Stick
And even more rewards from Khasaanda and Zot in the /join ravinetemple map!
New Treasure Chest Rewards!
Treasure Chests just keep dropping! And THIS week there's NEW items in them! We're going to keep adding new items to the Treasure Chest reward drop pool until we have hundreds! And this week we bring you the Onikage Armor and Helm!
Noteworthy News!
Quibble Coinbiter's Talk Like a Pirate Day Shop is staying for another week! Grab your doubloons and loot his shop or he'll make you walk the plank. Yarrrr!
The Bloodtusk AC War Rare shops are GONE! Those epic items are gone for good! We also removed all of the Chaorrupted Troll Boss drops except the pets.
3rd Upholder is Coming!
October is AQWorlds' anniversary month! And THAT means that anyone who upgrades will become a 3rd Upholder! That'll get you a sweet character page achievement and the EPIC Platinum Star Sword! (The Star Sword will not be released until November 4th.)
What comes next for Bloodtusk?
If you're really going to help the Trolls and Horcs, it looks like you're going to need to take on the Alliance! But the Twins -and Drakath - aren't going to make that easy. Nor are they going to stop fomenting Chaos between the Horcs and Trolls! And what of the mysterious Chaos Lord? You'll find out! Join us next week for more of the ravages of fear, loathing, and Chaos in Bloodtusk Ravine!
If you can't do quests for this week:
Then you'll need to follow these steps:
If you can't do Kagg's quests in the ravinetemple map, then here's what you need to do:
Head back to the Crossroads zone, and talk to Rawg (all the way to the right and up):
1) Accept the Oracle quest from Rawg.
2) Answer the Oracle's questions in the middle of the ravine.
*** Then follow the rest of the steps below.
If you've already done the Oracle's quest (answered her questions) for the Horcs, do this:
3) Go and watch the Eclipse cutscene at the end of the Crossroads zone.
4) Watch The River Runs Red in /bloodtuskwar
5) Kill the War Boss again.
6) Watch the cutscene, "Chaos Rages."
7) Go to /ravinetemple and do the quests!
If you can't do Sokrakiis' quests in the ravinetemple map, then here's what you need to do:
Head back to the Crossroads zone, and talk to Druuz (all the way to the right and up):
1) Accept the Oracle quest from Druuz.
2) Answer the Oracle's questions in the middle of the ravine.
*** Then follow the rest of the steps below.
If you've already done the Oracle's quest (answered her questions) for the Trolls, do this:
3) Go and watch the Eclipse cutscene at the end of the Crossroads zone.
4) Watch The River Runs Red in /bloodtuskwar
5) Kill the War Boss again.
6) Watch the cutscene, "Chaos Scars."
7) Go to /ravinetemple and do the quests!