Design Notes

July 11, 2014

Attack on Battleon

13th Lord of Chaos Attacks Battleon!

After last week's encounter in the Lair, the forces of the Alliance and Chaos are even hungrier for blood than ever... and the 13th Lord of Chaos LOVES the havoc being wreaked! This Friday, the forces of Chaos are attacking Battleon, and ALL heroes are summoned to the fight!

Will you defend or attack Battleon!

To begin fighting in the Attack on Battleon, /join battleonwar and talk to Twilly. Choose a side, then click the "Join War" button and you'll be placed in an instance of the /battleonpvp map.*

Every opponent you defeat will raise your war meter by one point! But hurry, because both Empress Gravelyn and the forces of Chaos are rallying more help... Battleon is the one town Chaos does not want to lose, and the one place the Alliance will not see defeated!

* Yorumi is working to even out the balance on each side. He hopes to have that out this weekend.

Battles Outside PVP

If PVP isn't your thing, then never fear! Chaos monsters are appearing in maps throughout Lore, in places they've never seen before! 

Defenders of Battleon in the merge shop

Go on the hunt in places like the Maul, the Manor, the Clubhouse, Sandcastle, and more for the Chaos War medals they drop to show you will keep fighting... no matter what! Then use the medals to create new gear. 

50% Rewards Shops

Once your side raises its meter to 50%, you'll unlock the Annihilator of Order or Defender of Order sets! Free-player and Legend versions, with the Legend version giving you a small boost to XP!

War challenge!

Current Events in AQWorlds

Make sure you mark your calendar, because we've got a lot of other events, shops, and fun stuff going on!

Tags: Alina,
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