Design Notes

April 23, 2018

AQWorlds Patch Notes

Check the list of bug fixes to see what the team has addressed

Reens, Cemaros and the AQW Bug Hunter team are busy squashing the bugs you submit each week to the Bug Tracker at

Check back weekly to see if the bug you reported has been addressed.  Please remember that not all bugs are "easy fixes" so some reported and confirmed bugs from each week may not be on the fixed list as they will require more time or a different person to fix them.

If you would like to know how the reports go from you to fixed, check this page:

Please don’t report non-release bugs on twitter folks!  There is a very good chance they will get lost there.  Please use the Bug Tracker!

Bug fixes:

  1. Gold boost on Rainbow Starsword and Dual Rainbow Starsword fixed.
  2. Removed rare items from Darkblood War Merge shop.
  3. Icewind War no longer locking you out of the boss room.
  4. Bulletproof Blob and Locked n' Loaded Blob fixes refixed.
  5. Caladbolg (dagger) renamed to Dual Caladbolg.
  6. Agaea in /artixpointe is now a Gear Vendor instead of a Weapons Vendor.
  7. New Drakath Epic Armor character page badges that were showing incorrectly should all be picked up now.


Patch Notes Extras - This 'n' That

Elemental Dracomancer face on the character portrait is a dragon because your true form when using this class is a dragon.  The human is the disguise.  

Dreameater Armour female skin tone not being CC is intentional.  This is how Tana meant for it to be.  The armour itself has no ear, so if you use a helm that did not come with the set and an ear is showing, it will be your skin tone.  This is not a bug.  

Helms with extra long hair not alway showing the back part is part engine limitation and part client side graphics.  These helms use a layer that did not exist when the game models were first created.  This means there will be issues with it from time to time that we cannot correct currently.  Mostly, it causes the longer part on the hair which goes behind the player to not show up.

Character Page Models are a bit wonky because of sizing issues.  It’s the reason capes appear slightly off, and pets do not appear where they do in the game.

Fuzzy or distorted backgrounds on high resolution. This is a bit of a tradeoff.  In many of the high traffic areas or where lots of small details were needed, bmp images were used for the backgrounds to save on lag.  We do know that at some of the larger screen sizes and resolutions, they don’t look as sharp.  But the amount of lag saved still makes it worth it.

House Spaces - The new expanded cap for house spaces is in effect on both PTR and old servers, but you can only purchase above 40 on the PTRs.  If you purchase spaces on the PTRs and place items there, they will show when you go back to the old servers.  You can also place items on old servers once you have purchased the spaces on the PTRs.  This is an incentive to get people to test there. 

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