Design Notes

November 15, 2013

2nd Lord of Chaos Finale

Take Down Chaos Lord Xiang and her Chaos Harpy!

Journey through the Mirror Realm and deep into the heart of a Chaorrupted Forest (/join mirrorportal) where the 2nd Beast of Chaos awaits. Take down the Chaos Harpythen prepare to face the doubly-deadly battle against Chaos Lord Xiang, who wields the combined power of the Good and Evil Twins, Xing and Xang! 

The penultimate Chaos Lord battle!

Survive the Chaos Harpy battle by arming yourself with a Shriekward potion; Alina in Battleontown can teach you how to create one. And then... oh, Hero, and then! Defeat the 2nd Lord of Chaos, Xiang. but be warned: with the Good and Evil sides of herself fighting internally, it's going to be a VERY Chaotic fight as she switches between hurting AND helping you!

Chaos Rewards:

  • Chaos Lord Xiang's armor and wings!
  • Harpy Hunter armor!
  • More gear in the Mirror Realm merge shop!

Quibble Coinbiter is back... with Chaos!

If you've seen Quibble appear before, you know he brings incredible gear themed after the next Chaos Lord Saga... and since we only have ONE left, that means his gear will be Chaos-themed! Arm yourself in the gear of a Chaos Reaper, and check out a full list of the rest of the incredible gear he's got for you!

Will  you join in the Chaos... or destroy it?!

More rewards in Quibble's shop:

  • Chaos Reaper armor set
  • Supreme Shadowscythe Inquisitor armor set
  • Lunar Sandknight armor set
  • And more!
Tags: Alina,
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