Micro Championship Wrestling

Here at MCW, we have one goal in mind: to turn everyone who experiences one of our unique events into a Micro Maniac for life! Our Micro Athletes may be short in stature, but they make up for it in hard work, will power, and determination. When you see the MCW show in AQWorlds, you’ll get the first-ever chance to see the original, often imitated, never duplicated, "SUPERSTARS" of midget wrestling in a VIDEOGAME!


MCW Invades AQWorlds

When the stars of Hulk Hogan's Micro Championship Wrestling come to the BattleOn Battle Coliseum, the Dwarven Champions Guild will on their rivals, the Micro-Giants! These two mercenary guilds are gearing up for one last, winner-take-all showdown, but our heroes know… the bigger they are, the harder they fall!

MCW Mega Micro Showdown
Visit the MCW homepage! Read the Design Notes

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Short Sleeve Sampson Short Sleeve Sampson's Facebook Short Sleeve Sampson's Twitter
Meatball Meatball Facebook
Blixx Blixx Facebook
HuggieCub HuggieCub Facebook


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AQWorlds Event Info

WHAT: MCW invades AQWorlds
WHEN: Friday, March 15th at sundown!
WHO: The stars of Hulk Hogan’s Micro Championship Wrestling!
WHY: Because every videogame needs a MEGA MICRO SHOWDOWN!
HOW: In-Game, here at AdventureQuest Worlds

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